.: About ARRL Kid's Day
Kid's Day is an
on-air event to encourage young people (licensed or not) to have fun with
Amateur Radio. It is designed to give on-the-air experience to youngsters and
hopefully foster interest in getting a license of their own. It is also intended
to give hams a chance to share their station and love for Amateur Radio
with children of all ages. More information on ARRL Kid's Day can be found by
clicking here.
.: Photo Gallery
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ARRL Kid's Day 2012
Once again KH6LC opened its doors to the kids of Hawaii
to participate in the ARRL sponsored event, Kid's Day 2012. It was also
broadcasted live via our front page Justin.tv link.
This year the kids at KH6LC made 271 contacts,
over twice the number from 2011. We look forward to more fun, and even more
contacts next year.

Lloyd, KH6LC and 2nd op Ginger, mentoring the kids
----------------------------------- OH NO!
An Official Observer Report!
